Monday, January 23, 2012

Happy Chinese New Year, Measure your Feet, National Handwriting and Pie Day

That's a lot to celebrate and four great excuses to have fun. A couple of years ago I created this post. I talked about creating mealtime fun using some wacky ideas - the kind of ideas that make my teenagers roll their eyes. But hey, I know deep down they love it because they throw in a couple of ideas here and there.

You got to check out all the wacky holidays that are out there. Not really, but I know you will click on the link anyway. Tonight we will be celebrating National Pie Day with a couple of pies for dessert. There were no complaints about that one from the family.

For the Chinese New Year cook up a Chinese meal. There are several simple ones out there to suit any taste and skill. This Broccoli and Beef is quick, easy and yummy - great combination. Cashew Noodle Stir-fry is another yummy and easy dish which happens to be vegetarian. There is always Fried Rice that can be made a multiple of ways with a variety of ingredients. The only problem with it would be is someone not liking rice.

For National Handwriting Day, how about using frosting in a bag to write on graham crackers. The kids (and adults) then can eat their creations. For the frosting in a bag, place room temperature frosting -flavor of your choice - in a ziploc baggie. Snip one bottom corner just enough to allow the frosting to be squeezed out in a thin line - perfect for writing. It is a great snack idea.

Measure Your Feet Day can provide a couple more fun ideas for snacks. What about foot shaped sugar cookies with milk or Fruit by the Foot rolls. Kids can use the latter to measure their feet, but I say ick especially since I have a couple of smelly feet kiddos.

Other holidays and ideas for January 2012

  • On the 25th (Opposite Day) or the 31st (Backward Day) serve your meal in reverse order. Who is going to complain about eating dessert first?
  • For the 26th (Spouse's Day), cook a candlelight meal for just the two of you or cook your spouse's favorite meal or dessert.
  • Does the 27th (Chocolate Cake Day) really need any explanation?
  • On National Puzzle Day (29th), cut your child's sandwich into a puzzle for lunch. If they take their lunch to school, put a note in the lunchbox wishing a "Happy National Puzzle Day." I have seen a puzzle cutter for sandwiches or just freehand it.
  • National Cornchip Day (29th) will most likely find my family and I eating Frito Pie for dinner. Any excuse for the not-so-healthy meal will suffice for me.
  • Need to Inspire Your Heart with Art on the 31st? Decorate cookies with your family and enjoy your inspired creations.
I plan on celebrating Compliment Day (24th) by having my family tell me how great I am. Yeah, that idea earned me another eye-rolling. Enjoy a wacky holiday, create some memories, and Happy Thanks for Reading my Blog Day!

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